What do you think about the Boss of the Third Street Saints? *Spoiler alert!*

We all love the boss! But do you want...

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I've played both. My first playthroughs of SR2, SRTT and SRIV were as a female character. The same character actually: my polar opposite. A publicly outspoken, sociopathic, shoot first-ask later, smoking hot red head that still resembles me somewhat(I am a guy, BTW). My second playthroughs are always male, but I play different characters inspired by those I used to play as in D&D. I'm currently attempting to make a SRIV character that resembles Nolan North for my second playthrough, since Nolan is basically playing himself in the game.
And you didn't play SR IV?! Shit, I am SO sorry for spoiling a lot of things for you!!! But you should definately play it!

Doesn't matter to be honest, I hate the next SR series ever since SR3, don't like the style at all and I wished for something similar to SR2, just like nearly everybody else.

Added: I don't understand some choices Volition made with the story actually.. Well, with the beginning anyway. Why were the saints involved with stopping Cyrus to blow up Washington? At the end of Saints Row: TT, the boss clearly said (In the save shaundi ending) "Let's go back to Stillwater." I wish they kinda went with that. Saints Row IV is a pretty solid story otherwise.


But I really hope they will do a reboot with Saints Row V. Because of the machine they get at the end they can reboot it. Perhaps it could overload, sending the boss back to the start of Saints Row 1 where you can do things differently or something.. I dunno.

Sounds fun, but it would be a lot more fun if you could just play SR1 on PC.

But I just hope they will bring back the alive city of Stillwater, add a ton of activities (new and old) and the dark, comical storyline where you start as a Saint and work your way up the chain. Reset the boss, and add choices that could develop the boss in the way you want the boss to become.

Hell yeah! Something we'll most surely never get, at a 98.9%!

I just hope they will at least use one canon ending that pretty much stays the same. Either Julius blows you up because you took the bad choices and became the sociopath he feared, or he blows you up because you were about to surpass him and he couldn't handle that. But at least they can continue with the fact that Julius blew you up.

You told me you played SR2 many times (12 on console, 4 on PC), but you never got the bonus secret mission on SR2?!

But that was an example. Even if they do come with a new story, I would still love to see this sort of thing and develop your own boss. If Volition can do that, Saints Row will surpass a lot of games. Add a new, better, beautiful engine, a ton of activities, a live city with a lot of other things to do or explore, a big multi player mode and a better co-op where the host is the main player in cutscenes and the 2nd player also plays a part in those cutscenes. =P Okay, wrong post and off topic, but... It would change the boss to how you like them to be. That would be epic. And fun. :D

This isn't really off-topic, you're still talking about the boss, and mostly the boss than the game itself. Things have something in common itself, you know?

Now I gotta tell you, nearly all of you are extremely strange. You use a female character when you're a male, and you use a male character when you're a female? What is this? "How it is to be a man/woman" simulation? I'm freaked out.
Some people would say you are 'extremely strange' for insisting that everyone plays as their own gender. Do you like looking at the back of a muscular male for hours on end perhaps? No? Then don't judge people.
Some people would say you are 'extremely strange' for insisting that everyone plays as their own gender. Do you like looking at the back of a muscular male for hours on end perhaps? No? Then don't judge people.

I actually do, sometimes it looks like a bull's back, and I sure like eating bull! Not bullshit, just bull.
I'm sure in some universe that's a retort or even a burn. lol
My favorite boss was the sociopathic rage-filled murder machine from SR2. I kinda hate how his personality did a 180 in SR3 onwards...I mean in SR1 he was just a mute who occasionally spouted off a one-liner or two, but he was still a fuckin' psycho. Then in SR2 he was completely badass but he was also loyal to his crew like the SR3 personality. This new mellowed out personality...well, I sort of agree with Johnny when he says the Saints have traded in their dicks for pussies. You get all sorts of weird over the top crazy murder opportunities in The Third and IV only to find that The Boss just isn't that sort of person anymore.

Well, except for that one scene in the middle of Saints IV after...well...it's the one in the mission The Next Day to be spoiler-compliant.
Eh I still found the Boss to be a combination of both games in SR4. Still mellow, but at times was harsh when she had to be and would send a message. Just me of course :)
SR3-4 boss is more likeable with his quirky banter, but I think the SR2 boss was more entertaining because of how badass and crazy he was.