SPOILERS About The Ending... (Please Finish game before Viewing)

Now that I have finished the game (once anyways, most definitely going to be playing through it again) I can honestly state that I enjoyed the story in SRIV, it had a fine level of consistency and made sense for the most part, unlike the mess of a story from SRIII.

Still, SRII had the best story and mission structure, but SRIV does a damn good job at it too.

Also I really like how the ending is set up, how it opens up room for a continuation of the story that teases something wonderful (time travel)!

I have grown quite attached to these characters and will be very sad to see them go, so here's to more adventures with the Saints crew!

Now I am really glad I bought the season pass.
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OMG, I loved Sr4. Is a bit sad compared to the other SR games (I saw a bit of melancholy among the saints), but I got the happy ending, and I did laugh when the saints messed up with history XD
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OMG, I loved Sr4. Is a bit sad compared to the other SR games (I saw a bit of melancholy among the saints), but I got the happy ending, and I did laugh when the saints messed up with history XD

Sad compared to SR2? Seeing Gat's girlfriend get her head cut off, someone buried alive, your buddy dragged behind a truck doesn't exactly resonate to me as happy.
I think he meant "dramatic". SR4 does TRY to be more dramatic, but yeah it doesn't really succeed...
For you maybe, people have different opinions. SR4 and Sr2 are the only games in the series to get me fully invested, go oh shit many times, truly laugh, cheer ect and just outright having fun(and both games have their own flaws, mechanics and writing). SR did have it's moments though, I try to forget about that clustercrap called SR3.
For you maybe, people have different opinions. SR4 and Sr2 are the only games in the series to get me fully invested, go oh shit many times, truly laugh, cheer ect and just outright having fun(and both games have their own flaws, mechanics and writing). SR did have it's moments though, I try to forget about that clustercrap called SR3.

Clustercrap called SR3 that is basically SR4 without superpowers...
Alright. So what is it then?
It's the fine things. Roaming around with Gat, Shaundi and Shaundi, the mech, weapon customization, the activities, mission structure and levels being a blast, the music and VO doing such an outstanding job, the audio logs and Zinyak text adventures. Also while yest he story does have it's big list of issues, it was still enjoyable for a video game. Like Sr2, I find my self replaying the game because it's just a blast.

Does SR4 have it's issues? Hell yes. The president bit was too short and just felt like a marketing hook which went nowhere(ffs all your homies have these awesome prez outfits that are used for like...one mission?) and just felt pointless to the sim not being packed with old gang members trying to break the Boss(if the sim is our nightmare, where are the gangs and STAG?) and a few other issues like Olegs death which was bullshit just like Gats "death" in Sr3.

Also don't get me started on Dex.....