SPOILERS About The Ending... (Please Finish game before Viewing)

Euro, while I won't blatantly state you are wrong. It is also possible that (looking at the development time and how the setting of the game was born) they were forced to go with Steelport.
There's only a few years between these two games, and the game was originally just a DLC that later got blown out of proportion, so quite possibly a fair part of the game was already developped specifically for use in Steelport.

I wouldn't dismiss the possibility that they did not have the time and/or resources to completely reconstruct either a new city entirely or even just Stillwater, because the SR2 Stillwater probably wouldn't be able to hold itself in the SRTT/IV engine.
Laura Bailey's voice call it "America's armprit"

Which is true of the Stilwater in SR1, which is the Stilwater we visit when she says that.
Of course the Boss didn't like what Ultor did to the city either. Conclusion: The Boss just doesn't like anything except what they own.
Certain why?

I'm crazy cause I don't like Stilwater, yeah, thanks for that. FYI the protagonist said the same thing, Stilwater is a mixture of every American city that God took a crap on.

It could have been a tease of some sort, I don't know.
What kind of blasphemy.
Not sure how on topic this is. But I just finished my second playthrough, in which I carefully avoided all loyalty missions.
On this ending not a single mention is made about the restoration of Earth, the time travelling or even Jane Austen.

Could this be related to not having any super homies (other than Keith David, though he was super in my book already)?
Not sure how on topic this is. But I just finished my second playthrough, in which I carefully avoided all loyalty missions.
On this ending not a single mention is made about the restoration of Earth, the time travelling or even Jane Austen.

Could this be related to not having any super homies (other than Keith David, though he was super in my book already)?

Nah, just the finishing touch to the Mass Effect parody in SR IV. In Mass Effect 2, you had to finish all of your squadmates loyalty missions if you wanted the best ending.

SR IV has two endings, a bad one where Prez conquers the universe, achieved by not giving a damn about your homies and not doing their loyalty missions, and a good one which is achieved by doing all of their loyalty missions (or most).
-Because they were still on Earth, they hadn't been captured yet, and the Earth was blown up. Exactly as to why none of them seemed to give a s**t about the White Crib being crushed and the president kidnapped is beyond me.

But with the time travel at the end, could the boss go back in time, save copies of them, then *BAM!* they're saved? Personally, I'm going to go with what I'd do if I were ACTUALLY my character: go back in time, make a complete copy of Earth (because f*** logic, this is Saints Row), go back to present and place copy of Earth, with all inhabitants. Only difference is I would remove all diseases and the need to eat, get rid of natural disasters, and add more strippers just for the hell of it.
-Because they were still on Earth, they hadn't been captured yet, and the Earth was blown up. Exactly as to why none of them seemed to give a s**t about the White Crib being crushed and the president kidnapped is beyond me.

In my view this is the central evidence that the entire game is a simulation, along with:

- Oleg gets an area code from a phonecall from space.
- Oleg is basically a mental and physical superman and yet wasn't abducted.
- Kinzie just conveniently finds a ship fully stocked with food, beer and supplies from Earth. Even if we said Zinyak had every ship go out and loot our beer and stuffed sharks, why take our primitive computers?
- If you die outside the simulation, you get the exact same screen shutdown effect you get from within it.
- Weapons, mech suits and power armor are conveniently found outside the simulation when needed.
- The Iron Saint has access to exactly the same superpowers from the simulation, even if we grant that it can fly, why the elemental powers or telekinesis?
- Zin portal spawners appear outside the simulation during the fight with Zinyak
- Anything taken over by the Saints in outside the simulation including the entire Zin empire turns blue immediately, just as it does within the simulation.

Earth is fine. Oleg is fine. The Boss and co are trapped in a simulation within a simulation masterminded by STAG or Dex or somebody.
I don't care if I'm proven wrong later on, this is my headcanon and I'm sticking to it. :3
I'd just watch it blow up all over again. Then I'd post
In my view this is the central evidence that the entire game is a simulation, along with:

- Oleg gets an area code from a phonecall from space.
- Oleg is basically a mental and physical superman and yet wasn't abducted.
- Kinzie just conveniently finds a ship fully stocked with food, beer and supplies from Earth. Even if we said Zinyak had every ship go out and loot our beer and stuffed sharks, why take our primitive computers?
- If you die outside the simulation, you get the exact same screen shutdown effect you get from within it.
- Weapons, mech suits and power armor are conveniently found outside the simulation when needed.
- The Iron Saint has access to exactly the same superpowers from the simulation, even if we grant that it can fly, why the elemental powers or telekinesis?
- Zin portal spawners appear outside the simulation during the fight with Zinyak
- Anything taken over by the Saints in outside the simulation including the entire Zin empire turns blue immediately, just as it does within the simulation.

Earth is fine. Oleg is fine. The Boss and co are trapped in a simulation within a simulation masterminded by STAG or Dex or somebody.
I don't care if I'm proven wrong later on, this is my headcanon and I'm sticking to it. :3

Or maybe the writers were lazy... just saying.