SPOILERS About The Ending... (Please Finish game before Viewing)

In my view this is the central evidence that the entire game is a simulation, along with:

- Oleg gets an area code from a phonecall from space.
- Oleg is basically a mental and physical superman and yet wasn't abducted.
- Kinzie just conveniently finds a ship fully stocked with food, beer and supplies from Earth. Even if we said Zinyak had every ship go out and loot our beer and stuffed sharks, why take our primitive computers?
- If you die outside the simulation, you get the exact same screen shutdown effect you get from within it.
- Weapons, mech suits and power armor are conveniently found outside the simulation when needed.
- The Iron Saint has access to exactly the same superpowers from the simulation, even if we grant that it can fly, why the elemental powers or telekinesis?
- Zin portal spawners appear outside the simulation during the fight with Zinyak
- Anything taken over by the Saints in outside the simulation including the entire Zin empire turns blue immediately, just as it does within the simulation.

Earth is fine. Oleg is fine. The Boss and co are trapped in a simulation within a simulation masterminded by STAG or Dex or somebody.
I don't care if I'm proven wrong later on, this is my headcanon and I'm sticking to it. :3
I think you may be looking a bit too far into this.

Don't get me wrong, I would love if they pulled the 'Surprise, Earth never exploded!' card somehow, but most of the points you made just seem like oversights by Volition. I guess we'll just have to wait for DLC/SR5.
Cause they are people, for starters. Cause they are trying to sell a product, for second.

You gotta be trolling. If their product on the market now is Saints Row 4, why the hell would they say that SR2 Stilwater is the best city they've ever created ? Just to sell Saints Row 2? That, once again, doesn't make sense.
In regards to the silly discussion before... the entire reason Zinyak invaded Earth was because he just wanted to capture the best and the brightest. He blew it up because he obviously didn't care about what happened afterwards, even more considering he can just go back in time and snatch whoever he wants.

That text adventure thing probably has more information about his motivations, but I haven't read it yet.
You gotta be trolling. If their product on the market now is Saints Row 4, why the hell would they say that SR2 Stilwater is the best city they've ever created ? Just to sell Saints Row 2? That, once again, doesn't make sense.

Nothing you disagree with makes any sense, done arguing with you.
I wish Oleg would've survived, he was cool. But I also wish the others introduced in SRTT hadn't been scrapped for this one. Would've LOVED to see Gat's reaction to Zimos, lol. And I have been wondering what ever became of Dex. Guess he's dead now, obviously.
I realise I'm reaching, but like I said it's my headcanon.
The Mass Effect 3 fiasco taught me all about the power of that..

In regards to the silly discussion before... the entire reason Zinyak invaded Earth was because he just wanted to capture the best and the brightest. He blew it up because he obviously didn't care about what happened afterwards, even more considering he can just go back in time and snatch whoever he wants.

And yet he takes Pierce who's best known for wasting his potential, Shaundi who.. erm.. uh.., and Asha who is apparently on MI6's shit list.
I have nothing against any of them but "best and brightest"? Something doesn't add up here..
Nothing you disagree with makes any sense, done arguing with you.

What? I said the Devs liked Saints Row 2's Stilwater the most, and asked you why would they lie, and you said to sell a product. Screw it, I can't argue with someone like you. You're not worthy.
Dunno, there's a lot of questions left unanswered and some plots and subplots that are illogical - yet I don't feel fooled or anything. I'll just wait for some DLCs hoping they will be expanding the storyline, given that SR4 can't get any more over-the-top than it already is. Superpowers in SR3 were upping the ante, what could they do now to make it wackier?
A lot of things make little sense: a gun turret is enough to shoot down alien ships from the White Crib's courtyard... ok, maybe the Zin teleport tech might pose a serious problem (as shown when the Boss was almost beating Zinyak to a pulp), but I doubt humanity would fall that easily. Plus, we could just pull an Independence Day on the Zin's technology, seeing how easily Matt and Kinzie learn to work within the Simulation.
The Simulation itself is nothing short of a "Main Villain Stupidity" trope: Zinyak knows what the Boss is up to yet he does nothing to really hinder his/her efforts - and he gets killed by his own dumbness. The Boss was cornered, Zinyak could kill his/her sleeping body, trapping his mind forever in the Simulation; the other Saints would be defeated without their general in the real world.

Yet, I don't think SR4 is about coherent story-telling: I might echo what that Cracked.com article said, but the game is about fun. There's enough puns on other games and SR franchise to feel satisfied by this fourth installment. Plus, after seeing the trailers, I knew what I was going to buy.
Sure, there's a lot of room for improvement, especially with the end-game that honestly feels a little barren, but as it is, SRIV kept its promise to be an absurd, funny ride.