SPOILERS About The Ending... (Please Finish game before Viewing)

Mass Effect 3 was subject to fanboy bandwagon, Saints Row IV on the other hand has a lot of inconsistencies...

Unlike ME3, SRIV's ending still makes sense, even with all those inconsistencies that lead to it - you win against all odds.
ME3 was able to screw up what was really a no-brainer. SRIV can screw up only if that time machine McGuffin is ignored in future DLCs or a hypothetic sequel.
Unlike ME3, SRIV's ending still makes sense, even with all those inconsistencies that lead to it - you win against all odds.
ME3 was able to screw up what was really a no-brainer. SRIV can screw up only if that time machine McGuffin is ignored in future DLCs or a hypothetic sequel.

ME3's ending made perfect sense to me. SR IV's ending did too but many parts of the plot didn't... Hmm, now that I think of it maybe that's part of the parody as well, since ME3 ignored many big choices from previous games.
Yeah, well, the whole "Was it Indoctrination? Oh, look, three shiny buttons to press" nonsense killed ME for me. No final confrontation to bring a sense of closure to an otherwise epic ride, no choice whereas the whole series was based on that (why can't I kick Star Child outta space for saying that gibberish and bring in the whole army?). I could go on but that'd be OT :)
Yeah, well, the whole "Was it Indoctrination? Oh, look, three shiny buttons to press" nonsense killed ME for me. No final confrontation to bring a sense of closure to an otherwise epic ride, no choice whereas the whole series was based on that (why can't I kick Star Child outta space for saying that gibberish and bring in the whole army?). I could go on but that'd be OT :)

Deus Ex Human Revolution featured the same kind of ending. Hell it didn't even have an actual game-related ending, just Vietnam footage with Jensen narrating, yet I don't remember anybody complaining.

Instead of focusing on ME3's real problems everybody just joined some stupid protest on Facebook and started whining about the ending everywhere.

Artistically the ending was good, and it was consistent. It didn't offer closure? That's true, but those are the best endings. It wasn't a happy ending? It's war, there is no happy ending, plus happy endings are for five year olds.

Back on topic... umm, Saints Row is a good game.
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The only thing ME3's ending was consistent with was that it and the main storyline were written by somebody with the mental capacity and morality of a tin of spinach.

I'll be the first to say ME3 had massive problems all the way through starting with the Adventures of Derp Shepard and the Selective Amnesia in the intro.
But the ending was still wretched, and I'm of the opinion that the Extended Cut makes it worse, as it adds more plot holes and exposes the deep immorality of their precious little green ending without even attempting to be ironic about it. But a lot of people walked away happy because, hey, it's free. Free garbage is still free don't ya know.

Saints Row IV's story and ending is nowhere near as offensive, horrible and amateurish as that.
It's just feels like it's going places that it never actually does.

Also I don't want to go completely OT but ME3's ending was artistically terrible.
It introduces an antagonist at the last possible moment and then, by retroactively making the entire plot revolve around him, makes him the protagonist, while you carry out his plan.
Those are two things you never, ever do in fiction for good reason: It sucks.
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Offensive? Wow...

Yeah don't talk to me again, like, ever.

Yes, offensive. Both intellectually offensive for being so dumb, and moraly offensive. I find any story that tacitly approves of genocide, slavery and forced body modification to be offensive.
Also you're not the boss of me, sweetie.
Mass Effect 3 was subject to fanboy bandwagon, Saints Row IV on the other hand has a lot of inconsistencies...

Saints Row IV at least makes no claims of trying to be serious or "send a message/theme" to users. Inconsistencies and whatnot get much more of a free pass in it than Mass Effect, for me at least.
Saints Row IV at least makes no claims of trying to be serious or "send a message/theme" to users. Inconsistencies and whatnot get much more of a free pass in it than Mass Effect, for me at least.

True. Anyway that's the least of it's problems regarding the plot. The one that I really can't stand is the fact that it breaks the 4th wall. And not once, and not subtle like, but several times and it shoves them in our faces.
In my view this is the central evidence that the entire game is a simulation, along with:

- Oleg gets an area code from a phonecall from space.
- Oleg is basically a mental and physical superman and yet wasn't abducted.
- Kinzie just conveniently finds a ship fully stocked with food, beer and supplies from Earth. Even if we said Zinyak had every ship go out and loot our beer and stuffed sharks, why take our primitive computers?
- If you die outside the simulation, you get the exact same screen shutdown effect you get from within it.
- Weapons, mech suits and power armor are conveniently found outside the simulation when needed.
- The Iron Saint has access to exactly the same superpowers from the simulation, even if we grant that it can fly, why the elemental powers or telekinesis?
- Zin portal spawners appear outside the simulation during the fight with Zinyak
- Anything taken over by the Saints in outside the simulation including the entire Zin empire turns blue immediately, just as it does within the simulation.

Earth is fine. Oleg is fine. The Boss and co are trapped in a simulation within a simulation masterminded by STAG or Dex or somebody.
I don't care if I'm proven wrong later on, this is my headcanon and I'm sticking to it. :3

Also to add to the conspiracy fuel, there are a number of instances in the non-sim missions where you get display glitches and such as though you were in the simulation. I'm not talking about the effect when you get shot, I mean like little blocks of pixels being abruptly misplaced. It's subtle, not nearly as obvious as it is in the sim, but it happens. Might just be a game glitch though.

I'm betting either on it all being a sim, or in a follow-up game/DLC we pull the ol' switcheroo with Earth, using time travel to snatch some other equal-sized planet and zapping it into Earth's place just before Zinyak atomizes it (his homeworld, perhaps?) Future SR games would lack any real oomph if there's no more Earth to take over.

Deus Ex Human Revolution featured the same kind of ending. Hell it didn't even have an actual game-related ending, just Vietnam footage with Jensen narrating, yet I don't remember anybody complaining.

You remember... poorly.

Really, the "here's a room with four buttons, pick your stock-footage ending" was one of the most criticized points in DXHR. People accused Squenix of changing the timetable on the DXHR guys and forcing them to finish the game early.