SPOILERS About The Ending... (Please Finish game before Viewing)

The upcoming mission pack DLCs will surely feature time travel and I hope some of them will fill up some plotholes about Dex and so on...
IMO,I don't think Volition will ever make another game about the Saints and their icon characters but we will see.

Well if they make a reboot of course it would be about the Saints. But yeah, new characters, new cast...

They have a lot of holes to fill so... get to filling them! The holes... the plot holes... you know what I mean!
Well if they make a reboot of course it would be about the Saints. But yeah, new characters, new cast...

They have a lot of holes to fill so... get to filling them! The holes... the plot holes... you know what I mean!

A reboot is good and it is welcomed by me.But first I wanna see them finish with the current Saints Row story and get them plotholes filled up.
A reboot is good and it is welcomed by me.But first I wanna see them finish with the current Saints Row story and get them plotholes filled up.

By me as well, though I don't really care about that. I just hope that the next game will actually be a step forward in the series. SR IV isn't broken, it's a good game, but it's not impressive. Well, if we don't take in consideration the fact that most of it's development was fueled by THQ, if we do, then it is pretty damn impressive...
I had mixed emotions about the ending. But the dive down to confront Zinyak...everything within me was smiling. I screamed at the TV (I play console before getting PC) as soon as The Touch started to play, and then those lines from the original Transformer movie...my sibling was rather disturbed by my fanboyish squeals of joy and came to watch the battle against Zinyak (they had seen most of the story to know what was going on) and we both agreed that while the concept of fighting Zinyak in a mech suit in that Iron Saint armor was very good, it wasn't executed as well as it could have been.
Finally beating the snuff out of Zinyak was rather stress-relieving though, it felt like a weight had been lifted and that justice had been done...and then when we both heard about the time travel capability we both shouted at the TV "GO BACK AND SAVE EARTH DAMMIT". Of course that never happened, and when we saw the artwork of the Saints screwing around in history we both just laughed and forgot that the earth had been destroyed for a few moments anyway.
So the ending...I didn't entirely like it, but I didn't hate it either. So what did I do after finishing it?
I put the first Transformers movie on. Thanks for rekindling my addiction, Volition!
The whole plot is stupid, not just the ending. Wouldn't it have made more sense if the aliens actually took over Earth and the Saints would fight to free it?

TAKE BACK EARTH! Honestly, I think Volition was actually poking fun at Mass Effect 3 again by telling players "We got this fight where we kill aliens to take Earth...so boom!"

Was there a clear motive for Zinyak to actually destroy Earth? I wish Volition added more plot elements for speculation (The one I can imagine is that Zinyak just doesn't care...he can time travel. He is a Bethesda gamer with quicksave). Also Delorean.

I personally think Saints Row V (or Saints Row 5) should continue after the Killbane ending and should have a similar tone to SR2, with more interiours and an interesting map, things to discover by yourself and more focus on weapons. Game could replace superpowers with insane weapon customization involving different mines and turrents very similar to SR:TT. It could introduce an idea where you are as vulnerable as the enemies you fight but you win battles by using very specialized weapons or battle tactics.

Basically, more deployable turrents and less fireballs.
Was there a clear motive for Zinyak to actually destroy Earth? I wish Volition added more plot elements for speculation (The one I can imagine is that Zinyak just doesn't care...he can time travel. He is a Bethesda gamer with quicksave). Also Delorean.

No there wasn't. And that's why I don't like Zinyak. He had a good voice and good dialogue, but blowing up Earth for no reason just made him an ineffectual troll villain to me.
And no it wasn't to break thw Boss' spirit. Zinyak himself calls the Boss a sociopath. A sociopath isn't going to care about the lives lost, only that you wrecked their stuff. So Zinyak did something that could only ever piss the Boss off.

Of course Zinyak and logic don't seem to get along at all. Take Johnny Gat. He's more of a threat than the Boss how? Memetic badass or no, he's also a follower and has needed his butt saving more than once.
Yeah yeah I know it's comedy. Well to me, comedy is pointless without at least one straight man, and in SR4 everybody's a clown.
TAKE BACK EARTH! Honestly, I think Volition was actually poking fun at Mass Effect 3 again by telling players "We got this fight where we kill aliens to take Earth...so boom!"

Gee, you think?

It was a kick in the balls for those who wanted a happy ending. Thanks Volition! (no sarcasm, really, thanks!)
Gee, you think?

It was a kick in the balls for those who wanted a happy ending. Thanks Volition! (no sarcasm, really, thanks!)

Hah, it was a jolt when I first witnessed it, but I really couldn't care less about Earth itself, just bring Oleg and Josh back and Imma be happy.
Hah, it was a jolt when I first witnessed it, but I really couldn't care less about Earth itself, just bring Oleg and Josh back and Imma be happy.

*cough* Zimos *cought*

I hope they leave Angel there though. Never liked that guy, he had the personality of a tin can and had "fraud" written all over him. Between him and Killbane, I think Killbane actually seemed like the good guy.
Seems more like they're dicking around with the simulation, before getting back to managing/leading the restored Earth and Zinyak's empire. Hopefully in one of the DLC's, they'll cover Boss going back right before the invasion, and defeat Zinyak's forces with...Zinyak's forces.