Gentlemen of Steelport Compilation

Can you add my mod (No Homie Mission Restrictions) in this? I'm sure it'll help me with my to do list.
To Do List:
Get this mod in Gentlemen of Steelport

Get this mod to be compatible with homie alts (Will be if added in Gentlemen of Steelport).
By the Way, this is pretty awesome (help me install ALL the mods I like)
Any answer to my question? And BTW Idolninja it's great to see that you and your fellow modders have resolved your differences and made a great forum in the process, but just curious; what are your PC specs?
Can you add my mod (No Homie Mission Restrictions) in this? I'm sure it'll help me with my to do list.
To Do List:
Get this mod in Gentlemen of Steelport

Get this mod to be compatible with homie alts (Will be if added in Gentlemen of Steelport).
By the Way, this is pretty awesome (help me install ALL the mods I like)

I actually removed those restrictions myself as an optional part of the upcoming GoS long before your release. Great minds must think alike. :)

Any chance of possibly removing the level 2 Baseball bat and replacing it with a stop sign? I replaced the baseball bat in SR2 a long time ago but forgot a lot of the process of replacing files and repacking and I don't know how to do it in SR3.

I really haven't done much with the weapons in SRTT. I would suggest making an actual thread for it in the Mod Request subforum.
I actually removed those restrictions myself as an optional part of the upcoming GoS long before your release. Great minds must think alike. :)

I really haven't done much with the weapons in SRTT. I would suggest making an actual thread for it in the Mod Request subforum.

Thanks. Will do.
But he still growls like zombie, so he is not exactly from mission 1, just looks that way. And he doesnt say anything like other homies do. In mission 1 Gat was saying stuff( and not just scripted)
But he still growls like zombie, so he is not exactly from mission 1, just looks that way. And he doesnt say anything like other homies do. In mission 1 Gat was saying stuff( and not just scripted)

It was all scripted.