Visuals & Graphics HD Textures Pack Mod

Update (to previous post):

If you have an NVIDIA card, those settings can be tweaked (on a per program basis) with the NVIDIA Control Panel.
You can create a profile for whichever (or both) Saints Row .exe you use (DX10 or DX9).
Hello guys ! i'm posting to give some news.
For the mod its in stand by atm , cause i really wanna wait a fix for the noisey looking of the texture and its pretty hard to see if my work on the texture are good or not.
Hope you will understand it and i apologise for the issue my mod make in game.
I've seen the video of SR4 and i think my mod will work on it too cause many texture are the same.
Wonder if they are a file in SRTT we can tweak for playing with lights , shadows , bump mapping ... could be nice.
Bump mapping is controlled by the "Normal" file...
Usually developers will name their textures with 3 different "Variants".
_D for Diffuse (The actual texture), _N for Normal (The "bumpiness) and _S for Specular (The shiny, glowy parts)
Not all developers will end it with _X but you'll usually see it in there somewhere.

For example, If you're working with a file called you'll need to look for and
Bump mapping is controlled by the "Normal" file...
Usually developers will name their textures with 3 different "Variants".
_D for Diffuse (The actual texture), _N for Normal (The "bumpiness) and _S for Specular (The shiny, glowy parts)
Not all developers will end it with _X but you'll usually see it in there somewhere.

For example, If you're working with a file called you'll need to look for and

When i say bump mapping i'm talking about the level of depth of it.
Some texture using it look more flat than others even if you make the depth effect to the max on a bump map texture it doesnt show properly in SRTT.
I'm using crazybump to preview my texture with bumpmaping and it really look different when its added in-game.
Oh, I see... Isn't that usually handled by how light/dark the normal is? i.e. usually the darker it is, the more deep it is and the lighter it is the higher... IIRC.
hey man its good to see you still have an interest in this and cant wait for the good news for an update!
and yes sr4 is releasing and it looks the same as sr3 but with all the mods everyone here created lmao.

good luck bro!
Hello guys ! i'm posting to give some news.
For the mod its in stand by atm , cause i really wanna wait a fix for the noisey looking of the texture and its pretty hard to see if my work on the texture are good or not.
Hope you will understand it and i apologise for the issue my mod make in game.
I've seen the video of SR4 and i think my mod will work on it too cause many texture are the same.
Wonder if they are a file in SRTT we can tweak for playing with lights , shadows , bump mapping ... could be nice.
I think you should look into ENB Series ;)
For anyone wanting lighting, shadows effects etc I can recommend SweetFX which is compatible and completely customizable for almost every DX9/10/11 games, and it makes them look great with different AA, sharpening, lighting, bloom, HDR and much more to enhance your games, I find it hard to play without now because games just look so much better and the sharpen feature can make the textures look much higher res.

And the best thing about SweetFX is there is literally no performance hit! only a couple of frames at the most, well worth it for the difference it makes

Oh and I understand you are having problems, very sorry to hear that, hope the update comes soon so you can keep up the great work :)
Just a suggestion, the next thing/item/object you should retexture are the rocks ;).
Still working on it when i have free time ;) and Female skin 50% done ( original resolution is 2048x1024 and mine is 8192x4096 so the detail are there ) and bumpmap texture gonna be a pain but i'm use to it hehe.

Pardon my daftness, but how is this possible??! I mean, how can you make a female skin (or any other texture, for that matter) be of higher resolution than the original?! (other than simply scaling it).

The only higher res skins I've seen were from the 'fuckimhuge' cheat (sorry, but that's what it's called). See below. You found a way to get em even better? :)
