NPC behaviour and spawn mod

Two month ago you said the V20 is last final update. But now I see you will soon make V100. ;)

I give him shit about that online all the time. ;)

uhm ok, right now i'm just using these mods:
-Original Gang Colors v1
that's all :)

Does it work if you remove all the other mods and only install this one?

Also, both the original gang colors mod and this one both use character.xtbl. You can't just overwrite a file like that with another from another mod or there's a good chance it will crash or behave wierdly. You either have to choose one of them, or learn how to use winmerge and attempt to merge the table files together. The modding basics thread in the guides and tutorials subforum has more info about that if you want to try.
shitface, since you've been playing with npc clothing colors is there anyway to change the female cop stripper outfit to dark gray to match the Steelport cop ones? Looks a bit weird since it's white.

even after i remove all of the other mods and just install this one, my game still crash :(

It's certainly working fine for me. Are you 100% certain that you actually removed all the other mods? Did you also verify integrity on Steam to replace your patch files with the originals just in case?
shitface, since you've been playing with npc clothing colors is there anyway to change the female cop stripper outfit to dark gray to match the Steelport cop ones? Looks a bit weird since it's white.
So, now will be V32! I said we are going to V100. ;) But anyway, I think, like you, that the dark police stripper will be better.
Yeah, if you want to change the female cop colour palette just open up characters.xtbl and change the <Color_Palette> to something else for npc_cop_iory and npc_cop_jones. They currently use the default police palette, but there are a bunch of others in npc_color_palette.xtbl that you could use instead. I kind of like the white shirts but if enough people want it changed I'll crap out another update later that changes it.
I changed the settings for their color palettes around a bit, and discovered that changing it to "NPC_Swat_Palette" gave it the best cops colors.
It's certainly working fine for me. Are you 100% certain that you actually removed all the other mods? Did you also verify integrity on Steam to replace your patch files with the originals just in case?[/quote]

Oh i forgot to to remove the original gang colors mod :D
Now the mod working fine, although i had to remove all of the other mod :(
Although I'm just happy to have female cops in game (I am SO OCD about that kind of stuff.). I must agree with the others and say that a darker color on the fem cops would be a bit better, the white makes me feel like she's somehow ranked differently or something. Also I would love to encourage you to look into adding the dlc vehicles in game, seeing a confused npc attempt to drive a yarnie would make for some serious humor. Also, do you think it would be possible to somehow add tanks into regular traffic? I realize this would probably result in huge balance issues, but if you gave it a very slim chance of spawning (not even sure if the traffic spawning works based on percentages, but I'll assume it does until someone says otherwise.) then I think it would make a great alternative to the Genki spawn. I mean shit, the whole idea of a rare spawn gives the player infinitely more reason to explore the open world. But anyway, amazing mod Shitface and I think you're doing a fantastic job.
Although I'm just happy to have female cops in game (I am SO OCD about that kind of stuff.). I must agree with the others and say that a darker color on the fem cops would be a bit better, the white makes me feel like she's somehow ranked differently or something. Also I would love to encourage you to look into adding the dlc vehicles in game, seeing a confused npc attempt to drive a yarnie would make for some serious humor. Also, do you think it would be possible to somehow add tanks into regular traffic? I realize this would probably result in huge balance issues, but if you gave it a very slim chance of spawning (not even sure if the traffic spawning works based on percentages, but I'll assume it does until someone says otherwise.) then I think it would make a great alternative to the Genki spawn. I mean shit, the whole idea of a rare spawn gives the player infinitely more reason to explore the open world. But anyway, amazing mod Shitface and I think you're doing a fantastic job.

DLC vehicles will not be added to spawning since it enables paid content for people who haven't bought it and is against our rules.