Sandbox+ for SRTT

I LOL-ed. ;) The nerve of some of these pirates!

Makes me realize, though, there's no point in linking a private STEAM profile then, is there? (as you won't be able to see what games people own). Guess I misunderstood that whole process. :)

It actualy is. People know you will have a Steam profile, and if they want, they can contact you.
please help me. i accidently clicked F1 in the controls menu and reset my controls there how do i fix that cause now nothing works?

Go through the setup steps again in the readme, and make sure you are actually resetting your controls in the right place this time. There is a link to a screenshot in the OP of this thread that you can look at to make sure you are in the right menu.
Probably just the game engine itself being buggy. Visual anomalies are pretty much par for the course in both games.

Just did some more testing on car invulnerability. Seems even with the default 'vroom' cheat, your vehicles still incur minor damage: primarily windshields being popped out, and denting upon hefty AoE damage (like exploding cars around you; but not all explosions, it seems).

It would also appear the sandox invulnerability is somewhat superior to what 'vroom' offers. The latter has the chance of your car exploding when you pop thru your windshield (as the result of hitting another big car or something). That never happened with the sanbox car invulnerability (yet?); but, so far, it looks to be behaving better. :)
Found a fun little function that might be useable for Sandbox+"
character_add_prop([npc/player], [entry from items_3d.xtbl])

For example, this will equip the player character with the gasmask from the Zombie Attack mission.
character_add_prop(LOCAL_PLAYER, "gasmask")

I tested and it does work, but only in the Zombie Attack mission. I think that the item itself simply needed to be preloaded for it to work, so any of the normal items in items_3d.xtbl will probably work just fine in the open world. For the ones that don't we can probably pack them in one of the preload archives. I currently have my eye on the "avatar_wings" entry from m16 (the ones that matt's avatar gets when he starts flying around.). :D

NOTE: To prevent confusion, the gasmask prop that the above function equips is different from the actual wearable gasmask that is defined in customization_items.xtbl. What's interesting is that this particular function is only used in missions to equip props to npcs and never the player. For example, in the zombie mission, it actually equips the clothing to the player and not the prop. The prop is only equipped to Viola using the function. Yet, it still worked in my test for the player when using LOCAL_PLAYER as the first parameter.

I know a lot of you like to mess around with stuff, so feel free to experiment and post your results!
I use my flatmate's steam account cause he has SR:TT and I'm free to install mods on his version, so I'm talking about his version, not mine, he just told me, "It's your problem."
So yeah. I'm talking bout it logged in on my account that DOES NOT have SR:TT.
That arsehole......