SRV Confirmed + New great info!

Just gotta throw some money at it. Speaking of which, I'm buying a house soon. I'm gonna be throwing money at that for 15 years. Huzzah!
You mean money I don't have... Oh, and congradulations
Personally, I prefer PC gaming to console. I mean, I used to play on my X360 heaps, but since I got my laptop, I found it quite pointless to play on a console, knowing that to continue playing new games, I would have to actually buy a new machine to play stuff on. At least PC gaming can all be done on the one system and you have the option to play without the discs. You know then that you're not scratching the hell out of them when you aren't using or needing them. I think Steam for that setup. I've never had a PS2, PS3 or a PS4, but I do still have an original Play Station. It was good for when Sony games were pretty fun and epic.

The only catch with some games however is that they don't always get released for PC usage or it's PC games that don't get released to console. I only wish companies actually released games for all platforms, because then it wouldn't be a big tease for the fans who can only buy more unnecessary machines. It's a scammy setup when you need to buy new things. I personally think gameplay is the main thing to focus on and not the graphics. However I do at least expect some detail into the environment of gameplay.
I find it an incredible artistic compromise to limit something into which you've poured your heart and years of your time to a single platform, seriously limiting the size of your audience and their options for experiencing your art, merely for the sake of its publisher potentially pushing a few more hardware units.
As usual the PC port shows strength in the texture detail, draw distance and world density departments. Yet the PS2 version somehow looks better, coincidence?
Not really. Back in 2004 when GTA:SA was released, developers regularly had the same game looking different on seperate platforms because of the differences in the engines in which the base game was developed. It was the differences in hardware and current drivers that made these differences. Back in the late 90s and through the mid 2000s, trying to make something work on the vast number of PC video cards was difficult because of the wide differences between manufacturer video cards and then the wildly differences among those manufacturers models. Developers are much more able to handle these differences in our current age, but you will still see differences in versions with the PC usually looking better.
I worked for a Sony game developer from 1998 to 2010, in a managerial capacity, there was never any programmed differences between versions for marketing of hardware, that was what exclusives were and still are for, for all of the console makers.
Well, the only problem I really have with the idea of buying new units is the setup and amount of machines you'd be forced to change to in order to play games that you like. I'd still support a company if it had decided to make more improvements, but at least make sure that they're not just adding something basic and changing from the previous setting. I mean, at least include the option to play those old games that were on the console's older sibling instead of limiting the choices that the next-gen units can actually do, though I cannot blame the creators really since making all games compatible isn't as easy as said and done. Though seeing all the machines and games build up over time is somewhat of an annoying thought to consider, especially if you have big interests in the previous consoles.
Weird.. I always found the game looking better on XBOX 360 when I still played on those. Except the PS3 exclusives. Uncharted, Last of us, Heavy Rain, those were really beautiful games. That was untill I got a new PC and then I haven't touched a console again. xD The XBOX was given to the Elves, the PS3 was given to the humans, but they were all decieved, for another gaming system was made. One system to rule them all.

Yes, PC is the superior gaming system. Why? Full controller support in most games that are also released on consoles, games always look better (If you can afford a decent PC of course), faster loading time, more storage memory, better online support for online multiplayer games, oh, and of course MODDING! Skyrim being the main example here. You can not even START to compare the way Skyrim looks with 100+ mods running to what it looks on XBOX.

It's stupid to say one game company will only make good looking games on one console and make it worse looking on the other. It's bullshit. The only reason it looks better on one console and worse on the other, is because of the different software and hardware. Sony for examply made the PS3 very strong, but they were to far ahead with their tech so games that were released on both XBOX and PS always looked better on XBOX because that was the more easy system to make a game for, and it was then ported to PS3 which was stronger, but the developers didn't improve the game for that system. Its like playing a PS2 game on a normal TV compared to a UltraHD TV. The UltraHD TV is better, but the game looks worse, because its was made for a normal TV. At least, that's how it was explained to me by a developer.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaanyway, to get back on topic...

SR5 needs the same characters, new city, new story, going back to its roots with city take over, put in the same humor, but cut WAY back on the super-natural. If they want to use the Time Machine, they should only use it once and then let it get destroyed. More parodies would be great. I laughed my ass off with some of the missions in SR4. Metal Gear (Poor lightbulbs), They Live, The Matrix... Please more of that! But a bigger city with more diversity, more traffic that doesn't dissapear if you spin around. Seriously, you look behind you, a red car, you look infront of you and then back agian, no car. In SR4 that could work as the simulations glitch, but it was terrible in SR3. Also, strippers walking around like pedestrians everywhere? No. Nnnnno.

But yeah, starting to sound like broken record here.

Upfront modding service? Yes please. And it does exist. Divinity: Original Sin has it, Audio Surf 2 has it, and more games. Why not for SR5? It would actually be a smart move. People will get it faster if they can actually use it as a sandbox! Create their own stuff and share it through Steam Workshop. True, they probably have more on their mind during development, but I don't see why they can't put a team on it. But yeah, I have no idea how games are developed with Volition. I just hope they won't keep us in the dark any longer. An official statement that SR5 is coming would be highly appreciated. :D
I played Sonic adventure 2 both on Gamecube and on PC (steam). Some textures look better on Gamecube, but on PC you can mod them (I don't know how to mod Sa2, just SaDX because I have some modding tools).
To be honest, although games look better on consoles(that are designed for games), I prefer to play on PC. If Sonic Adventure 2 wasn't on steam, I could not play it anymore, because is a game that is at least ten years old.

I wish for some Playstation WWE game port on PC, is unfortunate this will not happen soon.

Talking about Saints Row the Third, i prefer to keep graphic a little bit lower than what my PC can run. I don't like when near objects and the Boss look blurred, I prefer to see them clear.
If Sonic Adventure 2 wasn't on steam, I could not play it anymore, because is a game that is at least ten years old.
It's getting close to 15 now. Back on the Dreamcast.

*salutes and sheds a tear*