SRV Confirmed + New great info!

Very inspiring. Mind repeating that in English though?
What I said y'all izzat de exclyoosives are plum whack.

As usual the PC port shows strength in the texture detail, draw distance and world density department, probably cause they ran out of time to nerf them. Yet the PS2 version still looks better, and benefits from graphical enhancements that could very well had been implemented in the PC and Xbox ports but weren't, and this was back when Rockstar first begun dating Sony. Coincidence? I think not.
San Andreas? Surely you must mean GTA 3, instead. What you should probably be talking about is GTA 1, which was a multiplatform release including the PS1.
No, I think we have a simpler explanation: Rockstar has always been kind of bad at multiplatform development. And at programming in general. I said "typically graphically inferior" for a reason.

but if they had any interest to make all versions look nearly as good they would have found a workaround.
Its all about cost and time. It wasn't worth the time or the cost to "make all versions look nearly as good". Budgets don't magically get increased, and release dates for single player games (even multiplayer component games) are pretty strict, since most studios need the revenue from the release when they project it, or investors and parent companies get pretty hot and people loose their jobs.
It is entirely possible they outsourced the development. I have no idea.

I have a duty to insist that we not start using personal insults, even against people who aren't here. Criticizing their business decisions is cool. I entirely agree it's a bad practice to shaft the PC versions.
Since DS just acquired Homefront, perhaps there'll be a reference in SR5?
Does anyone else miss Competitive Multiplayer as much as I do lol? I mean it was awesome! Imagine this, possible all-new engine/mechanics + updated graphics, while mixing in some silly stuff yet maintaining some serious aspect of the game as well for the SP (Like in SR2) + maybe even a gang system like in SR1 where you level up your gangs/clans in-game and such to make the best Saints Row ever put out. I mean, obviously this won't happen lol- and this will take a shit ton of time and money and I know that I am a realist. But, what I am trying to get at here is so Volition can have some ideas and just something to build from and such. I know they have probably already started and what's done is done, but there is no use not trying! Let's get the communities voice heard and implement some ideas here to maybe have a Volition Co-Worker look over some of the stuff the majority want. C'mon IdolNinja I know you see this! Help us get our voice heard.

Anyways though, back on topic. Competitive Multiplayer. It would be an awesome aspect if it were brought back and it would turn A LOT of the older Saints Row fans on to buy this product just by that alone. There could be a rank system and everything. I'm not asking some in-depth crazy leveling system, what we got in SR2 would absolutely suffice, with collecting money/xp and such. Tell me what you guys think even though this idea is highly unlikely.
In my experience, pvp added into a single player game always ends up being subpar, not fun, or just plain disastrous. The best pvp games are those that are designed from the start for pvp (though the single player aspect of those games generally tends to be the subpar parts if they have them). I just don't think that Deep Silver should waste the extra time and budget requirements to add on mediocre pvp elements. And as I already noted, there are a lot of games out ther that are designed for pvp first, and do it really well.
In my experience, pvp added into a single player game always ends up being subpar, not fun, or just plain disastrous. The best pvp games are those that are designed from the start for pvp (though the single player aspect of those games generally tends to be the subpar parts if they have them). I just don't think that Deep Silver should waste the extra time and budget requirements to add on mediocre pvp elements. And as I already noted, there are a lot of games out ther that are designed for pvp first, and do it really well.

But just look at it via SR1/SR2, those games had semi-mediocre PVP style gamemodes for their MP, and those were a GREAT portion of people's favorite aspect of the game. Don't get me wrong, I don't want a terribly done MP that's rushed, but the least they could do is make one like SR1/ and/or SR2. For me, the MP finished off the game, it gave the games 100+ more hours of gameplay, due to the leveling system and such. With these next-gen specs we get now, I'm sure they can fit some competitive MP in their next title, don't you?

Just an update, there is NEW-FRESH SR5 news now, go to page 1 to see it. It has the Saints Row 5 REVEAL DATE CONFIRMED BY VOLITION + EVERY detail we know so far! Take a look and tell me if you have any info to add to it!
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