What do you think about the Boss of the Third Street Saints? *Spoiler alert!*

We all love the boss! But do you want...

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Thus, given precedent, there will most likely be no time travel DLC. I'm simply voicing the possibility that people expecting such DLC are setting themselves up for disappointment.

Sadly, despite my hopes, I must agree.
I guess that unless they release a true expansion (like Enter The Dominatrix was at first scheduled to be) the time machine will be a waste of a great deus ex machina - narratively speaking as it could open up a thousand possibilities.
Well I won't say that I think Mass Effect 3 is way better than 2 ever was and that the ending wasn't as bad as everybody says. I won't say that...oh crap...I did!
Errrm...back to topic:

Personally I never pictured the Boss as a murder-psycho. Not even in Sr2 even though he/she was more agressive than in sr3 and 4.....well at least not in the story. That 99% of the players shoot civilians for fun or overrun them, isn't a secret (I am the 1%!) but that has nothing to do with the story.
I like the fact that you can look at the boss from different angles and even though I am no fan of superpowers and simluations I have to say that the sr4 boss is by far my favourit.

BUT there are moments where I tinker a imaginary 'nope'-sign in my head.
Example (spoiler):
In Sr4 when the boss got freed by Kinzie from the 50 Simulation and drives around while this crappy 'Hip Pop'-song starts and he/she says that he/she loves that song.
I was like: "No you don't motherfucker. You are a god damn Metalhead/headbanger Chick and you hate this shit. Deal with it and keep listening to the awesome modded metal/hard rockradio I created for you!"

So a SR with a few ME-Dialog wouldn't hurt :D
i like that the boss is loyal for his friends. makes him more likable.
"No you don't motherfucker. You are a god damn Metalhead/headbanger Chick and you hate this shit. Deal with it and keep listening to the awesome modded metal/hard rockradio I created for you!"

Well, if you managed to mod SRIV radio station (dunno if SR3's method still works), good for you. I too would like to think of some of my Bosses as metalheads but hard rock/metal selection since SR2 was everything but metal, or at least only tangentially metal. I still think wreaking havoc to Pantera's Five Minutes Alone would be awesome (or Iron Maiden, Slayer, Megadeth, you name 'em). Also, I hated the Brotherhood so much I disabled The Krunch in SR2.
To be honest, the fact that the Boss has silly tastes like Haddaway is kinda funny: as a metalhead myself since like forever, I more than often indulge in guilty pleasures that are better left unspoken :p
I love the puckish rogue comments, because it points out the irony, of a softer more caring person who runs over old ladies for fun. It's our (American) bizarre perception of the "renegade". Here in America someone can be a cold blooded murderer yet still heroic. Jesse James is a great example. Jesse James murdered people and didn't care. Yet, somehow was seen as a hero to many. I suppose America was founded by terrorists, who won and become revolutionists. Your only a Sociopath/terrorist/murderer if you lose.
I don't know that i've ever heard him called a hero. He's glamorized as a well-known figure, but not as a good person.
I mean among the player themselves. You never think of your character as a bad guy/girl. Just excessive.
The Corporate Warfare DLC continues SR2's story after the final mission, doesn't matter if it can be activated early.

Yes it matters.. That was the whole point of the DLC discussion. xD You mentioned SR2 to having DLC you only can access after the end of the game. So SR2 doesn't count. If you can now free roam after the ending in Fallout 3 and you couldn't first, then yes, this is a real DLC that changes the game after the ending. Because you can not free roam after the ending, before the ending. ...yes.
Yes it matters.. That was the whole point of the DLC discussion. xD You mentioned SR2 to having DLC you only can access after the end of the game. So SR2 doesn't count. If you can now free roam after the ending in Fallout 3 and you couldn't first, then yes, this is a real DLC that changes the game after the ending. Because you can not free roam after the ending, before the ending. ...yes.

I don't know where you're getting at, so forget it.
about the time travel DLC idea, they could just make that as a standalone expansion like what Enter the Dominatrix suppose to do. It doesnt have to be a part of SR4 DLC since everyone saying the game wont have end game related DLC.