What do you think about the Boss of the Third Street Saints? *Spoiler alert!*

We all love the boss! But do you want...

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about the time travel DLC idea, they could just make that as a standalone expansion like what Enter the Dominatrix suppose to do. It doesnt have to be a part of SR4 DLC since everyone saying the game wont have end game related DLC.

Everyone is just taking guesses. There might be end-game DLC or there might not.
i loved the character development from SR 2 over 3 to 4 actually. While I never played 1, SR 2 was total madness where there was little else than the gang, power and how to reach it.
The character evolved quite a bit with SR3, also with the brilliant female (i´d guess its the same for the male voices) VA selection Laura Bailey.
The character gets emotional range and depth between fun (the duett with Pierce was one of the most memorable moments for me in VR history. i was SO surprised i drowe the car against the next wall)
and rage is pretty cool. It remembered me a lot of my renegade Femshep actually. It´s also cool that she is not shown as a criminal mastermind but still true to her origins. She may be street clever and know her way around, but even her friends outsmart her often. When shes not getting something or just lags behind funny conversations take place. This character doesnt feels so much like a brick which is cool. All in all the boss, her evolution throughout the games and my attachment to this is what keeps the bits holding it together for me.
Yes it matters.. That was the whole point of the DLC discussion. xD You mentioned SR2 to having DLC you only can access after the end of the game. So SR2 doesn't count. If you can now free roam after the ending in Fallout 3 and you couldn't first, then yes, this is a real DLC that changes the game after the ending. Because you can not free roam after the ending, before the ending. ...yes.

Don't mind Eurotrash he appears to get very sour and stroppy if you point out the flaws in his arguments.

I love the puckish rogue comments, because it points out the irony, of a softer more caring person who runs over old ladies for fun. It's our (American) bizarre perception of the "renegade". Here in America someone can be a cold blooded murderer yet still heroic. Jesse James is a great example. Jesse James murdered people and didn't care. Yet, somehow was seen as a hero to many. I suppose America was founded by terrorists, who won and become revolutionists. Your only a Sociopath/terrorist/murderer if you lose.

Or it was significantly easier to maraud around in the old west than it is today, where anyone with a phone can record you running over old age pensioners, tossing people off bridges and mugging people for fun.
I don't have much to base my opinion on (considering SRIV is the first SR game I've played all the way through), but I like a boss that's capable of an ounce of compassion. For instance, Laura Bailey's voice acting work was astounding. I didn't care much for doing loyalty missions until the sing-along part; it showed that there was a friendship before all of this-- and that alone changed the tide for me. Cue emotional attachment.
Does anyone else feel like the Boss of SR2 and the Boss of SR3 and 4 should've been different characters?
Maybe my opinion is skewed because I really wanted to see the Boss of SR2 become the antagonist, but I think it fits since to me, aside from allusions to their past, they might as well be different characters. That's not to say either is worse than the other, but rather that there was a missed opportunity to take SR2 Boss to their ultimate destructive conclusion.

I still think "puckish rogue" is an awful term though.
Hey Mist, i think you meant a protagonist though. ;)
Anyway i agree that there is a big difference between the SR2 Boss and the one in 3+4. However I do feel the development through 3+4 it suitable and justified as character development rather than just a one dimensional improvement (which would have worked as well though if the new games would have been also purely gang-related).
The Boss evolved emotionally and while originally he cared only for him (and his gang) he started to have some sort of compassion in a "the end justifies all means" kind of way.
No I meant antagonist. Before SRTT came out I always had this thought that the Boss would become the main antagonist of SR3, with the Saints becoming a titanic foe that a new character would have to take down.
Ah thanks for the clarification here. I see. Agreed, that would have been a really interesting idea indeed !