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  1. D

    New free pack?

    Nope, Canada. I'll try your suggestion, though. Thanks. :-)
  2. D

    New free pack?

    Is there any word as to when these DLC packs will be showing up on the Steam client? I used the links provided earlier in this thread, but the website claims that I don't even have Saints Row IV Steam installed, so I'm not willing (or able) to purchase DLC that won't be properly linked to my...
  3. D

    DLC that YOU want to see

    As inspired by the Share Your Character Picture thread, I would love to see a Film Noir spoof story DLC, with its own narration. Think of it like Mordin's voice entry in the Citadel DLC for Mass Effect 3. Most importantly, though, I would want to see it either have voices from all of the homies...
  4. D

    Downloadable Content Missing

    Thank you very much.
  5. D

    Downloadable Content Missing

    I don't know if this is a mod conflict issue or not, but after I installed the latest update, I get this error message in my game. It says something to the effect of: 'Some previously available Downloadable Content is missing. Please redownload it.' Any suggestions?
  6. D


    Wish I could be more help but I do know that's from the second part of Punch the Shark where you choose your homies for different tasks (Asha/Matt, Johnny/Ben, Shaundi/Pierce).
  7. D

    Does 'The Boss' have respect?

    Then I would suggest you would like games like Mass Effect or Dragon Age more than this one, as with those games you get more of an opportunity to shape their character than you do in this one. This isn't a criticism of this game, mind you; I'm just pointing out that these games are all different.
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    Does 'The Boss' have respect?

    I think the bolded part is the reason. The Boss has become more of a friend rather than as a gang leader, and I like it much better that way. Friends have more of an unspoken rapport amongst themselves that other people just may not 'get' or be able to see in their interactions. The Boss was...
  9. D

    How do you feel about Saints Row DLC?

    Let me tell you about one thing that I *do* like about SRTT and SRIV Mission DLCs: the ability to replay them. In the case of SRIV, being able to jump into the middle of a DLC to get that one achievement that I missed the first time around is a lovely feature, and one that I hope sticks around...
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    How the Saints Save Christmas DLC 12/11

    Yeah, I noticed a few glitches as well. ***SPOILERS TO FOLLOW BELOW THIS LINE*** When I had to jump up onto the roof to help CID, my Boss ended up jumping too high, landed on an invisible floor, and couldn't get down. I had to restart the mission from the last checkpoint to fix it. And...
  11. D

    Is your boss a man or a woman?

    I actually play as both (separately) because the voices are all just so darned good! However, if I had to pick one or the other I'd go with female simply because I find it a lot easier to make an attractive female boss than a male one.