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  1. wolf655

    The 'Merica's alternate-fire mode?

    "Some Badass presidential-themed music plays"** there i fixed it :) i love walking up to Alien's with the 'Merica equipped and just hearing the music play as i'm ripping them apart xD one of my fave parts of the game....
  2. wolf655

    SPOILERS favorite mission/scene/thing? (beat the game first before posting here!)

    there was so much win in this... expecially that scene....
  3. wolf655

    (Spoiler Free) Questions that went un-answered at end game

    i made this same thread on steam's forums and was frowned at... glad others are finally commenting xD
  4. wolf655

    SPOILERS favorite mission/scene/thing? (beat the game first before posting here!)

    but there was no over the top amazing SPECIAL!!! D: i wanted to see what Saints could give!! like a stampede of Furry's with bats attacking everything in front of us or something extreme that normally wouldn't see in Street's of Rage
  5. wolf655

    SPOILERS Least favorite thing in the game?

    i personally enjoyed the side quests, i had a hard enough time doing the activity's in previous saints row's but this side quest gives you more reward for completing all the activity's so i actively seek them out to see what new toys i can play with. as for my least favorite thing is the lack...
  6. wolf655

    SPOILERS favorite mission/scene/thing? (beat the game first before posting here!)

    it made me upset... could only go 10 mph and the car basically controlled itself... couldn't run over anyone or anything D:< i was angry!
  7. wolf655

    SPOILERS favorite mission/scene/thing? (beat the game first before posting here!)

    ah the boys are back, that was a glorious moment indeed, i let Gat get most the kills i decided to sit back and reminiscence with the occasional kill here and there...
  8. wolf655

    SPOILERS favorite mission/scene/thing? (beat the game first before posting here!)

    and i would love to see a mod like this! HAH! my mind was blown at that part.. didn't expect to see him, i heard the bagpipes and was confused as to why i was hearing Piper's theme song...
  9. wolf655

    SPOILERS What outfit is this?

    i also always forget about it, due to it has IMHO a horrible name... i also forget about "Leather and Lace" due to it being on the NorthEast Island... i'm almost NEVER in that neighbor hood...
  10. wolf655

    Wrong subtitles in some quests *minor spoilers*

    i have noticed this quite often, another thing i have noticed when talking (Not romancing) on the ship every so often your character's mouth keeps moving while the dialog had stopped
  11. wolf655

    SPOILERS favorite mission/scene/thing? (beat the game first before posting here!)

    i love the cut-scene right after! **Spoilers** but my favorite mission was when you do Benjamin Mothafucking King's story and revisit the old church, that or the Streets of Rage knock-off... altho i would of loved to see a SPECIAL being used.. would of been epic in SR
  12. wolf655

    SPOILERS Dead Island and Saints Row crossover in 2015?

    i was thinking a possible DLC type deal where the world is taken over by Zombies and you team up (over a course of missions) with the DI Characters and eventually unlock them as Homies or what not. thought that'd be cool.
  13. wolf655

    SPOILERS Thoughts so far?

    i loved the game, my only issues is how little dialog they had for random ped's and how i couldn't beat certain missions when i was streaming due to frame rate drop
  14. wolf655

    The 'Merica's alternate-fire mode?

    Alternative-fire shoots rocket's instead of flamethrower
  15. wolf655

    SPOILERS Dead Island and Saints Row crossover in 2015?

    >.> i was more intrigued by the Shaundi_Sex_Tape that i didn't notice the Dead_Island reference there... i remember Keith David saying "Damn aliens interrupted my Dead Island" so that's twice they referenced it?
  16. wolf655

    (Spoiler Free) Questions that went un-answered at end game

    the Dialog in saints row 4 for pedestrians were reused so often.. running down the free way in Loren Square i heard "If he borrows it, he better fill it up!" from 4 different cars... just got tired of hearing it :\
  17. wolf655

    (Spoiler Free) Questions that went un-answered at end game

    Did "He" borrow the car? and did "He" Fill it back up? Does Jenna stop being a Bitch? Does "She" ever make it to her date with Brad? Does "She" ever make it to the Movies with Brad? Does "She" Ever get her Manicure? Does "She" ever make it to her Appointment?