Sorry for the delayed response...But yes, that is EXACTLY what I am experiencing. Maybe for a male playthru it is keeping the ZPD outfit on all throughout the cut scenes...but for a female 'boss', at the very beginning when you first walk into the broken (musical instrument that I cannot recall how to spell), there simply is no one there. Dialogue plays, subtext displays, but the 'Boss' is invisible. I 'hoped' that it might have been a bad mesh and texture install...but I went back to vanilla, got the scene to play correctly, installed the mod again, and ended up back at invisible.
Bug does not effect game play at all though...Boss appears the way she is supposed to. It is just during the movie/cut scenes when this bug seems to appear.
And I haven't played my SR:TT lately...and NEVER did I have a play with your mod for that. So now I believe I am off to a SR:TT play, with your Mod. Looking forward to it very much!